F*ck “Quiet Quitting”. How about Loud Hustling? Put 120% into your day job. Don’t be floating around 3 side hustles.
Why? For very selfish reasons.
Sure, companies don’t take care of your life forever (as could be seen in recent layoffs). You’re on your own. That’s all true. That’s why one day, you want to start your own company and be truly independent.
And how do you start your own business? Study after study finds the #1 contributing factor for a successful founder is their domain expertise (aka the founder/market fit). Not their age, not how much money they inherited, not what school they went to – but their domain expertise.
And where do you get that domain expertise? From your day job.
But just working at your day job alone doesn’t automatically get you that domain expertise. There are certain things you can only learn when you put in 120% of yourself, just like there are certain parts of the mountain you can only see when you climb up high enough.
Treat your day job as if it was your own company. Grapple with hard problems at your current job as if your own money was on the line. You’ll learn so many things you can’t learn just getting by, doing bare minimum work.
And those learnings will pay off 1,000x later when you start your own business.