Thinking you can build a truly deep relationship with someone only through a series of 30 minute 1:1 meetings is like thinking you can build a generational SaaS product by working on the project through 30 minute incremental time slots each day.
To write great codes, you first have to get into the zone. To get into the zone, you need uninterrupted hours. The first couple hours might be quite unproductive. To solve one hard problem, you might need to grapple with it for hours and get to the bottom of it. But hopefully after all this murky process, the zen state would finally arrive where everything just flows.
Relationships could be similar. You don’t sit down with someone and immediately start talking about deep stuff. You first spend some time talking about fluffy stuff. But after things quiet down, and everyone is emotionally ready, that’s when the real conversation begins.
With your important life or business partners, try to get into the relationship zen state. Keep the 30 minute weekly check ins, but try to balance them out with occasional long walks, car drives, or travels, on a regular basis.