Shine in Small Things

Soon after starting my career, I had a chance to meet a highly accomplished Taiwanese entrepreneur during his visit to our company. (My first job was at a Korean internet company – I worked there in lieu of the compulsive military service.) I was lucky enough to sit next to him during dinner (the fact … Continue reading Shine in Small Things

Micro Check-Ins

I often find I’m pretty bad at keeping in touch with folks. I don’t really have any good system. So what I try to do more these days is “micro check ins”: “Hey – I was reading this article/book and was thinking about you”“Just a random ping – how’s everything?”“Thought you and s/he should meet, … Continue reading Micro Check-Ins

Horizontal Acquisition vs. Vertical Acquisition

For the so-called “roll-up” acquisitions, it’s easy for companies to only think about the horizontal acquisition model, i.e. merging with or acquiring competitors within the same industry. The goal is often to expand market share/top line revenue and reduce cost by consolidating resources and eliminating redundancies. But keep in mind that’s only one way of … Continue reading Horizontal Acquisition vs. Vertical Acquisition

Age Is Just a Number

After a 3-way meeting (myself, a founder starting a new business, and a VC who used to be a founder himself), the VC told me: (Speaking of the amazing enthusiasm of the founder) “See the energy? I don’t have it. I’m too old. That’s why I’m not starting another company.” Well – turned out, the … Continue reading Age Is Just a Number

Two-track Product Development

I like how Alex Kwon is developing his current product. I call it a two-track product development. There’s the main product, Perl, which is a social journaling and microblogging tool for startup founders. (The product hasn’t been publicly launched yet.) And then there’s this awesome Telegram group he runs, where the initially invited users hang … Continue reading Two-track Product Development